English for Young Learners

language learning materials younger children

The Siamese Cat Song

Before You Watch

You are going to watch a cartoon. In the cartoon these animals live together in a house:
  • two cats
  • a dog
  • a goldfish
  • a canary
What do you think is going to happen?

one from these,

1. The dog helps the cat chase the canary.
2. The canary tries to eat the goldfish.
3. The dog helps the cats escape from the canary.
4. The dog helps the goldfish & the canary to escape from the cats.
5. The cats help the dog escape from the canary.


Invent a Pet!


Imagine you are going to get a school pet. You can choose any pet you like except a cat or a dog.

It could be an animal, a bird, an insect - even a reptile!

How about a
cuddly crocodile?

  1. Invent a name for your pet.
  2. Write down what it eats.
  3. Write down what things you need to do for your pet? Does it need walks? Or special weather?
  4. Are there animals or birds your pet doesn’t like?
  5. Do you need to do anything to keep your pet safe?


1. A friend is thinking about getting either a dog or a cat or a rabbit.
Write a letter explaining why you think this is
not a good idea. You can find more information here

2. You are going on holiday and a friend is looking after your pet. Write some instructions for looking after him/her.

Role Play

Find five new facts about pets. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.
Think about:
  1. what is the most popular pet in your country?
  2. what is the most dangerous pet?
  3. which pet costs the most to buy/feed etc ?
A useful website is here

Role play a family visiting a pet shop
Mum wants a cat. Dad wants a dog. Lucy wants a rabbit. Paul wants a monkey!
The pet shop owner wants to sell the family a snake!


Find Facts

Find five new facts about pets. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.

Think about:
  1. what is the most popular pet in your country?
  2. what is the most dangerous pet?
  3. which pet costs the most to buy/feed etc ?
A useful website is here

About The Siamese Cat Song

The Siamese Cat Song is sung by Peggy Lee, one of America's greatest singers. It's from the soundtrack of the Walt Disney film, Lady and the Tramp. You can find the words here.

Peggy Lee also wrote the song and you can see a superb short documentary (6 mins) about the film and the song


The Siamese Cat Song: Words by Peggy Lee

We are Siamese if you please (meow)
We are Siamese if you don't please (meow)
Now we looking over our new domicile
if we like we stay for maybe quite a while.

(Whisper) Do you see that thing swimming round and round?
Yesssssssss maybe we could reach in and make it drown.

If we sneak in not to fool it carefully.
There will be a head for you a tail for me.

whisper continued... Do you hear what I hear? Grrrrrr!
A baby cry!

Where we finding baby there are milk nearby.

If we look in baby buggy there could be

Plenty milk for you and also some for me

The words are some of the most unusual in popular music. Peggy Lee is trying use the voice of the cats - and English is certainly not their first language!

There are quite a few grammatical mistakes - can you spot them?

Pets Crossword * Cats Crossword